Thursday, April 14, 2011

Spring Flowers

I've been experimenting with some pretty flowers.  Now the question is, what fun things do I want to embellish?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Some Things Are Meant to Be

Over the weekend I ran a half marathon down in the Outer Banks.  Weather was fantastic.  The course was interesting with varying terrain.  My fans (mom, dad, and Mackenzie girl) were over the top supportive.  But the best part was the group of six women that I met on the course.

Around mile three I heard a woman named Holly telling a story to her friends about how she met this guy.  It took about a mile to complete the story because of interruptions from the other ladies, their expressions of gratitude to every volunteer on the course, and the simple fact that telling a story while running a race takes longer than telling a story while sitting at the kitchen table.  I am so thankful that I overheard Holly's story and that I asked if the guy in the story was her husband.  Of course, the answer is yes and the story is now part of my very special history.  For the next ten miles I ran with Holly from Raleigh and her friends.

I finished the race just a few seconds ahead of the group and had to scramble to say hi to my parents and dash in line for the bathroom.  I lost the group but they found me.  In fact, they found this blog which brought them to me.  Holly sent an email to me tonight and it honestly touches my heart.  This was part of her email: "So, we started with the race results and couldn't find you at first, so Beth was joking saying maybe you were an angel and not a real person."

I'm real and this race, these women, and my love of knitting have given me an even deeper meaning to my blog.  For that, I am grateful.
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